Our mission is:
- To help connect people to Christ through prayer. The Prayer Ministry aims to teach and lead the church in both individual and corporate prayer. We will not seek our own will through our own efforts but we will humbly come before God with repentant heart seeking His will.
- To reach out and preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to the unsaved people. See Mark 16 vs. 15)
- To empower believers to fast and pray. Jeremiah 33 vs 3.
- To bind the broken heart, proclaim liberty to the captives, and deliver the oppressed.
- To establish the kingdom of God in the lives of people through the Word of God
- To keep the fire of the Holy Spirit burning in the lives of Christians through fasting and prayers
- To bring revival to the churches and the body of Christ to prayrs
Our vision is:
- To become a bible believing prayer ministry where peiple come together to pray
- To establish the kingdon of God in the lives of people throught hte Word of Geod
- To reach out to the community with the gospel and love of our Lord Jesus Christ
- To revive the prayer lives of believers in the body of Christ
Every Saturday morning we gather in prayer and fellowship. Sharing what the Lord has done in our lives and encouraging each other through the Word of God.